Monday, February 23, 2009

Supersize me 6

667 calories are in a sandwich and thats what i had for dinner.
i know i'm supposed to subtract 1,850 but i don't have any more calories than that.
don't ask why i didn't have a bigger dinner,and if your wondering why,its because my mom wanted to take a breaks off cooking .
besides it was sunday and we had church and chores and all this other stuff. So..... yepp just in case.
this is supersize MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 6 !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ValEnTinEs Day

I hate valentines day.the only thing i like is that some people celebrate on friday the 13 lol
Some people brake up and ilke that.
everyone will be crying but me.
I will Never find love.
who will be my true love?


Super SiZe ME paRt FIve!

our cafeteria food is different from the other kids in the video. they have coke and fries.We just have
boring lunch.
in our cafeterias we have salad and meat . But we don't like it. people think its healthy but its not.Its
disgusting.i like their food better. even if its not healthy.I crave For Soda!!!!!!!!!!
i love soda i love soda i love soda
i Absolutely LOVE Soda.
So yep i love soda and there's nothing you can do about it.


Monday, February 9, 2009


I am psycho.i belong in the nut so psycho that i am bored.the only reason why im writing
this is because i didnt watch super size me

what i think about carteria foods is its its idk
ohhhhh right
They should put some pudding and hot dogs.At least BETTER yogurt.
Gosh or some homemade food cuz i know lunch ladies can cook better than that.besides there useing what factories give em.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Super size ME part!!! 4

1 vegtable dip
2 carrot cup
3 coconut sticks
4 lunchables
5 yogurt
6 veggie bowl
7 spegetti
8 banana smoothie
9 cereal with organic milk
10 Pasta

People and junk
I think its hard for people to stay away from junk.
there bodies get so addicted to sugar and fat they cant stay away!
its like come on people wake up.

Monday, February 2, 2009

SUPer SIZE Me PaRt 3

my mc donalds meal adds up to 450.For me since im between the ages of 11 and 15 i should have a serving of 1850 3,000
less.How much fat i ate was 256.AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! to much.

So in this case my mc donalds meal had more calories and fat then i should have.Which means im a blimp.hahaha.Not this is not funny.Peole especailly kids are getting fat.stupid mcdonalds.

these resuls suprised me big tie.Mc donald commercails say that they are giving haelthy food.Yeah right They turning us fat i mean really fat.